Kubernetes-Native Container Security with Shell Scripting

Native As more and more organizations adopt cloud computing, containerization has become increasingly popular as a means of application deployment. However, with the benefits of containers come unique security challenges that must be addressed. Kubernetes, a popular container orchestration tool, provides built-in security features, but they can be enhanced with shell scripting to achieve Kubernetes-native container security. In this post, we’ll explore how to use shell scripting to enhance Kubernetes security.

Why Use Shell Scripting for Kubernetes Security?

comm Kubernetes provides many built-in security features, such as network policies, pod security policies, and RBAC (Role-Based Access Control). However, these features are not always enough to meet the unique security needs of an organization. By using shell scripting, you can create custom security policies that align with your organization’s specific security requirements.

Shell scripting can also help automate security tasks, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring consistency across your Kubernetes environment. With shell scripting, you can easily perform security checks and enforce security policies across multiple clusters.

Getting Started with Shell Scripting for Kubernetes Security

To get started with shell scripting for Kubernetes security, you will need a basic understanding of shell scripting, Kubernetes architecture, and Kubernetes security concepts. You will also need access to a Kubernetes cluster and the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl.

The first step is to create a shell script that defines your security policies. For example, you may want to ensure that all containers running in your Kubernetes cluster are using the latest version of a particular image. You can create a shell script that checks for the latest image version and updates the container image if necessary.

Here’s an example shell script that ensures that all containers in a Kubernetes namespace are using the latest version of the nginx image:

latest_tag=$(curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com/v1/repositories/$image/tags | jq -r 'first(.[].name)')
for pod in $(kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'); do
    container_image=$(kubectl get pod $pod -n $namespace -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[?(@.name=='$image')].image}")
    if [[ "$container_image" != "$image:$latest_tag" ]]; then
        kubectl set image pod/$pod $image=$image:$latest_tag -n $namespace

In this script, we first define the Kubernetes namespace and the container image we want to update. We then use the Docker Hub API to get the latest tag for the image. Next, we iterate through all pods in the namespace and check if the container image matches the latest tag. If it doesn’t, we update the container image using the kubectl set image command.

Enhancing Kubernetes Security with Shell Scripting

Once you have created your basic shell scripts for Kubernetes security, you can begin to enhance them with additional security checks and policies. For example, you may want to create a script that checks for containers running as the root user or containers with excessive permissions.

Here’s an example shell script that checks for containers running as the root user:

for pod in $(kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'); do
    containers=$(kubectl get pod $pod -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*].name}{@}{"\n"}{end}')
    for container in $containers; do
        securityContext=$(kubectl get pod $
        pod -n $namespace -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[?(@.name=='$container')].securityContext}")
            if [[ "$securityContext" == "runAsNonRoot=false" ]]; then
            echo "Container $container in pod $pod is running as the root user"

In this script, we first define the Kubernetes namespace. We then iterate through all pods in the namespace and get a list of containers for each pod. For each container, we check the security context to see if the runAsNonRoot flag is set to false, indicating that the container is running as the root user. If it is, we output a message indicating that the container is running as the root user.

You can also use shell scripting to automate Kubernetes security tasks, such as updating Kubernetes secrets or enforcing pod security policies. For example, you may want to create a script that ensures that all pods in a namespace are running with a particular pod security policy.

Here’s an example shell script that ensures that all pods in a namespace are running with a specific pod security policy:

for pod in $(kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n"}{end}'); do
    pod_security_policy=$(kubectl get pod $pod -n $namespace -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations['seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod']}")
    if [[ "$pod_security_policy" != "$policy" ]]; then
        kubectl annotate pod $pod -n $namespace "seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod=$policy"

In this script, we first define the Kubernetes namespace and the pod security policy we want to enforce. We then iterate through all pods in the namespace and check if the pod security policy matches the desired policy. If it doesn’t, we annotate the pod with the desired pod security policy using the kubectl annotate command. Shell scripting is a powerful tool for enhancing Kubernetes-native container security. With shell scripting, you can create custom security policies that align with your organization’s specific security requirements, automate security tasks, and enforce security policies across multiple clusters.

In compare with Poweshell

PowerShell is another shell scripting language that can be used for automating tasks and enhancing security in a Windows-based Kubernetes environment. While there are some differences between PowerShell and Bash, both languages have similar capabilities when it comes to working with Kubernetes.

One key difference between PowerShell and Bash is that PowerShell has built-in support for working with objects, while Bash relies on parsing text output from commands. This can make PowerShell a more intuitive choice for Windows administrators who are used to working with object-oriented languages.

For example, here’s a PowerShell script that uses the Kubernetes API to list all pods running in a particular namespace:

$namespace = "default"
$allPods = kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o json
$podList = ConvertFrom-Json $allPods
foreach ($pod in $podList.items) {
    Write-Host $pod.metadata.name

In this script, we first define the Kubernetes namespace and use the kubectl command to get a list of all pods running in that namespace. We then use the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet to convert the JSON output into a PowerShell object. Finally, we iterate through the object and output the name of each pod.

Another advantage of PowerShell is that it includes a built-in package manager called PowerShellGet, which allows you to easily install and manage PowerShell modules. There are several Kubernetes-related modules available on the PowerShell Gallery, such as the PSKubernetes module, which provides a set of cmdlets for managing Kubernetes clusters.

Here’s an example PowerShell script that uses the PSKubernetes module to check if a particular pod is running with a specific pod security policy:

$namespace = "default"
$policy = "restrictive"
$podList = Get-KubernetesPod -Namespace $namespace
foreach ($pod in $podList) {
    $pod_security_policy = $pod.metadata.annotations."seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod"
    if ($pod_security_policy -ne $policy) {
        Set-KubernetesPod -Namespace $namespace -Name $pod.metadata.name -Annotation @{ "seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/pod" = $policy }

In this script, we use the Get-KubernetesPod cmdlet from the PSKubernetes module to get a list of all pods in the namespace. We then iterate through the list and check if the pod security policy matches the desired policy. If it doesn’t, we use the Set-KubernetesPod cmdlet to annotate the pod with the desired pod security policy. In other hand Bash is the default shell on most Linux distributions and macOS, while PowerShell is the default shell on Windows. However, PowerShell is also available on Linux and macOS, which makes it a good choice for organizations that have a mixed OS environment. Additionally, Bash can be used on Windows through the use of tools such as Cygwin or Git Bash.

Bash is a powerful scripting language that is well-suited for automating tasks in a Unix-like environment. It has a rich set of built-in utilities for working with files, directories, and text data, as well as powerful command-line tools for managing system resources. PowerShell, on the other hand, is an object-oriented scripting language that is designed to work with the .NET Framework. It has built-in support for working with objects and includes a wide range of cmdlets for performing system administration tasks.

Both Bash and PowerShell can be used to interact with Kubernetes through the use of the kubectl command-line tool. However, PowerShell also includes the PSKubernetes module, which provides a set of cmdlets for managing Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, and deployments. This can make it easier to write PowerShell scripts for working with Kubernetes resources.

When it comes to security, both Bash and PowerShell can be used to implement security policies and automate security tasks in Kubernetes. However, Bash is more commonly used in Unix-like environments and may be a better fit for organizations that are familiar with the Unix security model. PowerShell, on the other hand, is more commonly used in Windows environments and may be a better fit for organizations that are familiar with the Windows security model.

Bash has a large and active open-source community, which means that there are many resources available for learning how to use Bash and solving problems. PowerShell also has a large community, although it is more focused on the Windows ecosystem. Both Bash and PowerShell have active communities of developers working on Kubernetes-related projects, such as Kubernetes operators, Kubernetes controllers, and Kubernetes security tools.

There are some differences between PowerShell and Bash, both languages can be used effectively for enhancing security in a Kubernetes environment.

Photo by Brandon Jaramillo on Unsplash.